TLC & Vietnam

TLC will venture out to Vietnam for summer mission. According to OpenDoorsUSA, Vietnam has over 96 million Vietnamese people who reside in Vietnam but only less than 1 million people who are Christians and the rest of people have not heard the Gospel. TLC will send a group leaders and college students to partner alongside with Vietnam Campus Crusade for Christ (VNCCC) along with other ministries in Vietnam. The goal is to reach the all people and generation. They will be equipped with the Gospel that changes the trajectory of their families, church, culture, and the whole country of Vietnam. We are to fulfill the Great Commission commanded by Christ.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Day 5, 6: RetrEAT

Objective Report: July 29, 2019

Urgency. Homecoming. Bond. Initiative. Cooperation. Instruction. Rate. 

The bus pulls in and the passengers spill out ina cascade of weariness, anticipation, and a fire in their eyes. "My first camp," they thought with a smile on their faces. This was a particularly pivotal moment in the youth group, as they had only been on what was akin to a Family Camp with parents and elderly folk. But now, they were personally responsible for their own survival.

And it was a party! A little insight into our team's perspective: it was a beautiful exchange of body language, personal affirmation, and an ongoing conversation between a clash of cultures. 

The camp schedule, spanned over the course of these two days, spawned a variety of team-bonding activities that not only encouraged ourselves- the team- to break out of our comfort zones (most likely our otwn interpretation of what a "team game" should be) but also showed our Hmong students and Vietnamese students the power of a higher being. 

The main takeaway from this camp, as we focused on the traits of Strength and Courage, especially in the face of daily adversity, was to embolden and empower servant leaders, particularly from a habitual passivity from the male population within the organization. And this also struck a chord within my own heart as well, how I, despite being on the mission field, had been lacking within my own spheres of influence: family, public services, friends, volunteering, weekend organization commitments, etc. We all are called to be servant leaders in our respective communities and when the time coems for that calling, are we truly willing to step up to that plate? To drink from that cup of long term suffering? 

The buses groan and sag as the weight of our returning champions, all 50+ of us, gather into the dimly lit interior. The wheels on the bus go round and round (For about three hours .-.) But the voyage soon comes to an end as the familiar streets begin welcoming us back with open arms and honking bikes. 

The following day was Sunday. The speaker shared a concern that has plagued the organization for many months, years even. It was a message of exigency within the organization and what entails us to receive when that day of reckoning comes. 

Oh yeah, we ate a LOT of seafood. Because, you know, it was at the beach. :P

I sorely apologise for this sudden outburst of entries but it shall be rewarded. And in the end, see this family once again.

I love you 3000,

Justin H. Nguyen