TLC & Vietnam

TLC will venture out to Vietnam for summer mission. According to OpenDoorsUSA, Vietnam has over 96 million Vietnamese people who reside in Vietnam but only less than 1 million people who are Christians and the rest of people have not heard the Gospel. TLC will send a group leaders and college students to partner alongside with Vietnam Campus Crusade for Christ (VNCCC) along with other ministries in Vietnam. The goal is to reach the all people and generation. They will be equipped with the Gospel that changes the trajectory of their families, church, culture, and the whole country of Vietnam. We are to fulfill the Great Commission commanded by Christ.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Day 3, 4: Far from Hotel - Retreat! RETREAATT!

GREAT SCOTT! It worked!

I don't have much time to go as in-depth as I would prefer to...because I'm  typing from the future. But before you can count the ways to say "I love  you," let me tell yo-no. Allow me to show you just a glimpse of heaven on  earth: not in an earth-shattering, sky-splitting, time-traveling way, but  in the most human ways possible...    After a rambunctious day of the meeting, learning, and understanding new  stories that came with new faces, it was time to hit the hay for our  pioneers. Personally, I had to drop off some supporter gifts for my family  so as I stood bashfully on the steps of the Thien Thao hotel, waving my  uncle's friend goodbye on his motor scooter, I spotted the dynamic duo in  the window above. Jeremiah and PT were meeting up with Thai (who had made a  cameo in the first early days of our arrival) and were deciding on a place  to eat for dinner. Dinnertime at 10 pm came and went and I left a part of  myself at that joint. A slice of life, my would-be life, laid strewn about  on the metal table before me: rice dishes laden with char siu pork,  stir-fried vegetables, etc. Fellowship shared with food between friends:  what more could eternity offer? A whole lot more than my pinhole opinion,  it soon seemed.    

The morning dawn wafted through the windows, along with the blaring horns  of scooters, again, and it came time for our team's first devotional  together as a cohesive unit. We discovered about the woman at the well, the  man who lay at the temple gate called Beautiful, and the comparisons  between these two characters, a sense of longing for a world set apart. A  people set apart. I speak to you, viewer, not as a physically set apart  missionary but rather as a comrade in arms against the forces of evil, that  we are that world set apart. A people set apart. A holy priesthood in which  Christ Jesus has set aside plans for each one of us on this planet. The man  who lay at the gate called Beautiful had been carried out and begged for  years, including the years that Jesus passed him, and yet was not healed.  Not until Peter and John, who commanded him, "Look at me!" and healed him  through the power of God. (Acts 3)    I wondered, "Why didn't Jesus heal hi- OH WAIT. Does this mean Jesus saw  the future and knew that Peter and John would be that instrument that God  would utilize in the future?" 0_0    W h o k n o w s ?    

But the Lord's timing and our willingness to serve go hand in hand. And  with that, take my metaphorical hand and join me in walking with the  children, along the cobbled stone steps, the broken tiles, and the  occasional turd, as we embark on an adventure to buy shoes!    ----------------------------------------------------------    

Yo, it was a GRAND day. The sun was beaming through a curtain of grey, the  bikes wanted to form a coalition and run us all over, and the children, oh  the children. They could not be happier to see their new shoes in hand and  plastic bags on their feet (because obviously we didn't have trial socks  for 45 kids: 35 boys and 10 girls)!    Our time with them soon drew to a close as we parted ways at the  restaurant, with bursting bellies and full hearts. It was time to return to  home base, for our quest of the day had not been yet fulfilled. Later that  day, amidst a flurry of rushed packing, last minute supplies, and yah boy  trying to make sure you guys get full coverage of what's going on, we were  en route to the church that we would be spending time with for the weekend  RETREAT.    PRAISE WAS LIT. There was a hymn about the psalm "how the deer panteth for  the water" and I always enjoyed animal imagery: makes my world feel more  connected. The games were super fun! There was this one game where you link  hands in a circle and there is a footstool in the middle. The objective:  rip someone's arms off in the process of getting one of the combatants to  touch said stool. Needless to say, our game became quite boisterous as  chairs were added, fingers were strained and things got REALLY spicy when  girls were added into the fray. When I played, apparently I did some weird  crab walk over the stool and still managed to stay upright .-.      

As the telltale signs of the evening began mewing at our door, (at one  point, a kitten with a tufted tail, kinda like a poodle's) it was time for  bed and well timed too because our wake up time to get to the bus was 6 am.  Goodnight viewers     GGGOOOOODDDD MORNING VIETNAM   We are well on our way to the retreat site as I type and boy, it is ONE  FINE DAY. Not a sun in sight, clouds blanketing the horizon like a  gargantuan Q-tip, our bus sang praise songs and shared  pork buns with each other in high anticipation of the trip. With that, I  think I'm going to knock out a couple Z's before we will be disembarking in  a couple hours. Hopefully, this weekend will be fruitful: filled with the  Spirit working in ways to bring us to our knees in worship, prompting the  Gospel in all our thoughts, words, actions, and habits.    

Vietnam Forever,

Justin H. Nguyen